2024 Winner For The Best Gym and The Best Personal Trainer in Northglenn!!

The Northglenn Health and Fitness blog

Practice matters more than the game

Practice matters more than the game. Why? Read this for a real life example that will have you running for your next healthy habit over big change.

Does your dog eat better than you do?

Does your dog eat better than you do? about how your diet impacts your well-being? Sometimes, the answer to healthy eating might just be a…

Busting the Myth: Targeted Fat Loss

For many of us women it’s the abdominal area, arms and upper legs. Let’s talk about that today. Targeted fat loss, or what’s popularly known as “spot reduction.” It’s tempting to think we can focus solely on those spots. But let’s look into what is actually possible and focus our areas where we will get the best results!

Why we don’t believe in meal plans

When it comes to nutrition, one of the most common approaches I have seen people try is the use of strict meal plans. Through my…

Northglenn Health and Fitness Member Links

If you are reading this, we assume you are a member of Northglenn Health and Fitness! These are member links, your links, to make sure…

Getting Started: 3 Tips for Fitness Beginners from a Personal Training Gym

Getting started with a new fitness routine and not sure where to begin? Here are 3 tips for the beginner on how to start and not stop, your new fitness routine!

thought I was fat as a size 0 teenager

Remember when you thought you were fat?

Remember when you thought you were fat? I did. I was strong headed, confident, had tics and twitches, a size 0 and thought I was fat. Hear how I handled life’s obstacles, without asking for help.

Nutrition Questions? Play a 5 Minute Game that Gives you ALL the Answers

You might have nutrition questions. Heck I have nutrition questions and I have 3 different certifications and am currently enrolled in a 4th. There is…

Personal Training

Looking for Personal Training Gyms for Everyday People?

Personal Training at Northglenn Health and Fitness is not just for the pros! It’s for anyone who doesn’t know what to do at the gym, and doesn’t have time to figure it out. Wants to be sure to have focus at the gym and be sure to stay safe around any injuries or change from a sedentary lifestyle. Our personal trainers are ready to help you hit your health and fitness goals.

How to Get Toned for Summer?

With the warmth of June just 12 weeks away, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about how to get toned for summer. Yes, we’ve…

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