Results For Category: "Healthy Eating and Nutrition"

Skip the chaos, let’s change eating behaviors

After our fun yesterday of what not to do with your eating habits, it’s time to get serious and talk about the right ways to change eating behaviors for optimal health and nutrition.
Let’s dive into some habits and how you can integrate these practices into your daily life for sustainable, healthy eating habits.

How to continue irregular eating habits: A misguided guide

If you’ve ever wanted to get better at irregular eating habits, look no further! Our misguided guide to continue the craziness is going to be a great start – or continuation of the progress we might already be making! Let’s explore how to do everything we shouldn’t (wink, wink).

Meal Planning? Yuck! Surprises are more fun!

Why meal plan when winging it is much more fun! Right? We all love a good surprise and what’s better for our health and weight loss goals than having no idea what you will eat when you get home from work? Or who needs to schedule their time at the gym, I mean you’ll have more time on accident right?

Does your dog eat better than you do?

Does your dog eat better than you do? about how your diet impacts your well-being? Sometimes, the answer to healthy eating might just be a…

Busting the Myth: Targeted Fat Loss

For many of us women it’s the abdominal area, arms and upper legs. Let’s talk about that today. Targeted fat loss, or what’s popularly known as “spot reduction.” It’s tempting to think we can focus solely on those spots. But let’s look into what is actually possible and focus our areas where we will get the best results!

Why we don’t believe in meal plans

When it comes to nutrition, one of the most common approaches I have seen people try is the use of strict meal plans. Through my…

Nutrition Questions? Play a 5 Minute Game that Gives you ALL the Answers

You might have nutrition questions. Heck I have nutrition questions and I have 3 different certifications and am currently enrolled in a 4th. There is…

3 Steps to Make Dinner Easy and Reduce Dinnertime Anxiety

It’s time to make dinner and you have no idea what you are going to do. How many times has that happened? I want to show you not just what to eat but HOW to get it done, especially for dinner when things are really hectic.

lose weight fast

3 Ways to Lose Weight Fast for Our Personal Training Clients in Thornton, Northglenn and Brighton

If you want to lose weight fast, but not yo yo diet (actually keep the weight off), then keep reading. These tips we provide you are ones our most successful nutrition clients follow and get the results they are after!


Does Meal Prep Save Money?

Does meal prep save money? Are you tired of the endless cycle of dining out or ordering takeout, only to be left feeling drained, spending…