Results For Category: "Healthy Eating and Nutrition"

lose weight fast

3 Ways to Lose Weight Fast for Our Personal Training Clients in Thornton, Northglenn and Brighton

If you want to lose weight fast, but not yo yo diet (actually keep the weight off), then keep reading. These tips we provide you are ones our most successful nutrition clients follow and get the results they are after!


Does Meal Prep Save Money?

Does meal prep save money? Are you tired of the endless cycle of dining out or ordering takeout, only to be left feeling drained, spending…

Fight Menopause with Food

In order to fight menopause with food, you have to take an active approach. You have to take a look at your diet (if you…

nutrition label that says no added sugars

Can you trust nutrition labels?

Ooh don’t get me started on nutrition labels. Some of my favorites that I just saw this week at the grocery store. Jar of artichokes…

Smart, Simple, Swaps: Nutrition Tips for your Busy Lifestyle

Coach Jennifer here from Northglenn Health and Fitness, ready to guide you through some smart, sustainable nutrition tips (swaps). These small changes are easy to…

Meal Prep: Healthy Lunch Bowls

Meal Prep: Healthy Lunch Bowls

Set your lunch up for success with these easy-to-prepare, healthy lunch bowls. These bowls are a perfect way to incorporate a healthy mix of protein,…

woman unhappy with her fad diet

Fad Diets: The ‘Miracle’ That Isn’t

In a world where everything is grabbing at your attention, quick-fix solutions and overnight transformations sound great. But they also seem to good to be…

Oh, You Forgot to Eat Again? 5 Quick Meal Reminder Tips for Busy Bees

Hey there busy bees! Has your stomach ever turned into a mini alarm clock around 4 pm, nudging you with a grumble that says, “Hey,…

woman being intentional about success with nutrition and fitness

The One Defining Factor to Success with Nutrition and Fitness that you Can’t Skip

In my years of coaching a diverse group of women, from various walks of life and different stages of their fitness journey, I’ve come to…

Whole Foods Simple Guide

Simple Guide to Whole Foods: Why They Triumph Over Processed Foods

In today’s bustling world, leaning on the convenience of processed foods is all too easy. However, transitioning to a diet rich in whole foods can…