The Northglenn Health and Fitness blog

Smart, Simple, Swaps: Nutrition Tips for your Busy Lifestyle

Coach Jennifer here from Northglenn Health and Fitness, ready to guide you through some smart, sustainable nutrition tips (swaps). These small changes are easy to…

Meal Prep: Healthy Lunch Bowls

Meal Prep: Healthy Lunch Bowls

Set your lunch up for success with these easy-to-prepare, healthy lunch bowls. These bowls are a perfect way to incorporate a healthy mix of protein,…

Catherine easily lifting her daughter because of functional fitness

Functional Fitness for the Win in Everyday Life

Tip: Incorporate Functional Fitness into Your Routine Why It Ties Into Our Theme at NHF: Functional fitness focuses on exercises that simulate real-life activities and…

Carol and Annette post workout

The True Value of Fitness: Beyond the Scale at Northglenn Health and Fitness

How is that scale treating you? Are you letting it determine your value, or the value of fitness? If you are like most women, you…

Linda Personal Training

Semi Private Personal Training in Northglenn: Linda has more energy, strength and is ready for travel!

With Semi Private Personal Training at Northglenn Health and Fitness, we’re more than just a gym; we’re a team of personal trainers, coaches and motivators,…

Maria showing consistency at the gym

Keeping the Spark Alive: Staying Motivated when Consistency isn’t Exciting

You did it! You finally started exercising again. After a long hiatus. You secretly hope this one lasts because, well.. it’s been a challenge to…

Cori at our Personal Training Gym showing off her results

Showing up for yourself consistently. The win that matters most at our personal training gym in Northglenn.

Our personal training gym is one Cori shows up to. And her results speak for themselves. Cori is a personal training client (3 hours a…

Katherine celebrating her success in her workout for podium week

What if you and your parents waited until today before you ever celebrate your first step?

because you know, one step isn’t very much since eventually you want to run a mile, so why celebrate just one measly step….. It’s Podium…

Woman on exercise bike celebrating small victories

Celebrate Every Milestone: The Step You are Missing in your Fitness and Nutrition Routine

At NHF we celebrate every milestone. However, in the world of fitness – often dominated by images of perfect bodies, heavy weights, and crazy amounts…

Liz being consistent at the gym

Building A Consistent Fitness Routine: How to Set Yourself Up for Success and Remove Chaos

With everything we have to accomplish each day, establishing a consistent fitness routine can feel like trying to hold water in your hands — no…

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