Linda Personal Training

Semi Private Personal Training in Northglenn: Linda has more energy, strength and is ready for travel!

With Semi Private Personal Training at Northglenn Health and Fitness, we’re more than just a gym; we’re a team of personal trainers, coaches and motivators, committed to changing our clients’ day to day lives. Today, we’re excited to share the inspiring story of one of our members, Linda who participates in our 5pm semi private personal training sessions.

Feeling Sluggish to Euphoric Energy: Linda’s Beginning

When Linda first walked through our doors, she was battling feelings of sluggishness and discontent with her physical well-being. An avid traveler, she found that her lack of energy and mobility was becoming a barrier to her passion for exploring new places.

Every step was a reminder of the daily struggle to move freely and without resistance, to move the way she “felt” inside. Her physical body wasn’t matching who she is in spirit!

The First Check-In: A Remarkable Shift

Linda met with me for her first athlete check in (this is something all of our members do to keep them on track with what they want to achieve and to make sure that NHF is holding up our part of the bargain!) The changes Linda has experienced are in direct correlation to what she was looking for. Besides weight loss, these are the things that she is experiencing because her semi-private training sessions at NHF.

  • Euphoric Post-Workout Energy: Gone are the days of feeling sluggish. Linda now experiences a sense of euphoria and vitality after her workouts, a complete turnaround from how she used to feel.
  • Improved Mobility: Linda has noticed a significant improvement in her daily movements. It’s not just her who’s observed this change; her chiropractor and even her boss have remarked on her improved mobility. Climbing stairs, once a challenge, has become much easier.
  • Growing Strength: The physical changes are evident. Linda happily shared that getting up from the couch is no longer a struggle, thanks to her stronger legs. Her upper body strength has also increased, particularly in her lats and shoulders.
  • Mindful Eating Habits: Linda’s transformation isn’t just physical. She’s making intentional food choices, focusing on nutrition that fuels her body without feeling starved or deprived. Working with a nutrition coach was helpful for Linda to stay focused and not get distracted by shiny objects that promise results that are unsustainable!

Looking Ahead: A Bright and Active Future

Linda’s journey is repeatable with the right support system. She’s not just preparing for her next travel adventure; she’s embracing a new lifestyle where it feels good to continue to make healthy choices.

At Northglenn Health and Fitness, we’re honored to be part of Linda’s journey and are excited to see her continue to thrive. Her story is a reminder to us all that it’s never too late to make a change and rediscover the joy of living a healthy, active life.

Click here to schedule a 10 minute chat with Coach Jennifer (me :)) to get started!

Here is a little read on why you shouldn’t be nervous when chatting with NHF.

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