The Northglenn Health and Fitness blog

friendly faces at the gym

Best Personal Training Gym in Northglenn

You will find the best personal training gym in Northglenn right here, and this is why!

I started strength training for weight loss but the numbers on the scale are going up?

Strength training does not lead to an increase in body fat. That is impossible. However, just because you are strength training, doesn’t mean you won’t gain weight. Without proper nutritional improvements your body may still be getting stronger and you might be feeling better – you will not see those changes you are after on the scale. Here is why:

3 Steps to Make Dinner Easy and Reduce Dinnertime Anxiety

It’s time to make dinner and you have no idea what you are going to do. How many times has that happened? I want to show you not just what to eat but HOW to get it done, especially for dinner when things are really hectic.

lose weight fast

3 Ways to Lose Weight Fast for Our Personal Training Clients in Thornton, Northglenn and Brighton

If you want to lose weight fast, but not yo yo diet (actually keep the weight off), then keep reading. These tips we provide you are ones our most successful nutrition clients follow and get the results they are after!

dog in park near northglenn or thornton

Best Northglenn or Thornton Parks to Walk Your Dog

We are writing about the best Northglenn or Thornton Parks to walk your dog because we know daily movement is vital to your recovery (muscle…

woman personal training with a coach

Strength training for Psoriatic Arthritis: Catherine went from discouraged and hopeless to an active life with her family.

Strength training for Psoriatic Arthritis was a key element in Catherine being able to have dreams for her family’s future. Do you know you need…


Does Meal Prep Save Money?

Does meal prep save money? Are you tired of the endless cycle of dining out or ordering takeout, only to be left feeling drained, spending…

Fight Menopause with Food

In order to fight menopause with food, you have to take an active approach. You have to take a look at your diet (if you…

Steps to Success in Semi Private Training

7 Steps to Success in Semi Private Training at Northglenn Health and Fitness

Looking for success in semi private training? If you are reading this you are most likely a client of Northglenn Health and Fitness who lives…

Semi Private or Personal Training for Women

Semi Private or Personal Training for Women: Choose your Fitness Path

Semi Private or Personal Training for Women, think of it like choosing your own fitness adventure. Starting on a fitness journey can be a daunting…

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