Results For Category: "Beyond the Gym"

My Eyes Are Up Here

I was in the middle of a 2 mile run. I was on a huge wide road, no cars, clear as day. I’m on the…

Sore from the gym? Take an Active Recovery day

Should I go to the gym or take a rest day? Yesterday’s workout was brutal. You woke up and the stairs looked like they always…

Why waiting to start “until next week” or “starting over” is ruining your health and fitness

Waiting to start until the perfect time usually ends up with more waiting. What are some reasons you have said you were starting over with…

Have you gotten burned by adversity?

Ready? Set! Adversity! What happened? You did everything right. And it all fell apart. Again. You set a goal, you planned and prepped. Woke up…

See Fitness Shortcuts You’d Like to Try? Read This First.

Are your fitness shortcuts working for you?  Or do you find yourself back at the starting point, or sometimes further back? Most of us are…

7 Tips to Get Motivated

How can you get motivated to lose weight, go to the gym, improve your nutrition, learn that new skill?  It takes more than wanting it. …

Are you sure you want to lose weight?

Do you want to lose weight, or do you want to change your body composition?   A scale cannot tell the difference between a pound of…

Need help with Resolutions? How does FREE sound? !

Need help keeping those New Year’s Resolutions?  How about a free day at the gym? Saturday, January 4th Join us at 8am for a FREE…

Strategy for Keeping Your Fitness and Nutrition Goals Around the Holidays

It’s common to feel like it’s difficult to stay on track with your nutrition and fitness goals over the holidays, especially without a strategy. Whether…