Strategy for Keeping Your Fitness and Nutrition Goals Around the Holidays

It’s common to feel like it’s difficult to stay on track with your nutrition and fitness goals over the holidays, especially without a strategy.

Whether it’s getting to the gym on a regular basis, or finding time to cook healthy, or refusing a second (who am I kidding, fourth) Christmas Cookie, it’s just tougher.  However those same people, already have their own answers to overcoming those holiday challenges.  They just didn’t know it yet.

  • Family is in town, staying at your house
  • Going out of state to visit relatives
  • Holiday parties left and right

How can you make this work?  What strategies can you add to help you this season?

Change of mindset.

  • Family is in town – more people to watch the kids; more cheerleaders for support – set a great example for the kids.  
  • Going out of state to visit relatives – drop in to the local CrossFit gym – share your goals with your relatives.
  • Holiday parties left and right – bring a healthy version of a favorite holiday recipe.

If you decide you can’t, you won’t.  If you decide you will, you will.


In December it’s an all out Accountability war at Northglenn Health and Fitness.  This week, everyone is getting a tree.  Come in this week, check your calendar, plan when you will make it in, write those dates on your tree.  When you complete your workout each day you planned to come in, you check that date off. If you don’t make it in on one of your planned dates, you bet you are getting a call from a handful of people asking where you are.

It’s human nature to not want to disappoint others.  We can disappoint ourselves all day long, but when you put yourself out there, when you are brave enough to tell the world, “I’m doing this”, you leave those excuses at the door.  You Change Your Mindset.  It’s no longer “How do I get out of this”, it’s “How am I going to make this happen.”

Sit down with us for a free 15 minutes.  Tell us your goals.  Tell us your dates.  Get your tree.

Accountability Tree - Overachiever!

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