Results For Category: "Beyond the Gym"

Maria showing consistency at the gym

Keeping the Spark Alive: Staying Motivated when Consistency isn’t Exciting

You did it! You finally started exercising again. After a long hiatus. You secretly hope this one lasts because, well.. it’s been a challenge to…

Katherine celebrating her success in her workout for podium week

What if you and your parents waited until today before you ever celebrate your first step?

because you know, one step isn’t very much since eventually you want to run a mile, so why celebrate just one measly step….. It’s Podium…

Woman on exercise bike celebrating small victories

Celebrate Every Milestone: The Step You are Missing in your Fitness and Nutrition Routine

At NHF we celebrate every milestone. However, in the world of fitness – often dominated by images of perfect bodies, heavy weights, and crazy amounts…

Liz being consistent at the gym

Building A Consistent Fitness Routine: How to Set Yourself Up for Success and Remove Chaos

With everything we have to accomplish each day, establishing a consistent fitness routine can feel like trying to hold water in your hands — no…

Stalled Fitness Progress? The #1 Unexpected Culprit Revealed

The real secret to success to overcome stalled fitness progress in fitness and nutrition is building and maintaining momentum. You might have read that statement…

rashmika in personal training

Break the Cycle: Create Small Habits that lead to Big Change

Creating new habits might seem like a huge undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be. Big change from small habits all start with what YOU…

woman working out with personal trainer

7 Steps to Creating Self Motivation?

Start Your Journey with a Bang! Starting a fitness journey can feel like being a squirrel in the middle of a busy road—there’s a lot…

fun at the zoo

How Do You Get It All Done without Missing The Point

Hey everyone! 🌟 Ready for some real talk? How do we get it all done, never ending to do lists, meetings, appointments, gym, meal prep…

group of women celebrating gym anniversary at NHF

3 Ways Overthinking Fitness and Nutrition is Holding You Back

Overthinking Fitness and Nutrition will make our already busy lives feel even busier! Taking the first step towards a healthier lifestyle often gets tangled in…

woman stressed out by menopause

Where did that new fat roll come from? Menopause is coming for us!

Menopause is coming. You probably know me, I’m Coach Jennifer, the wife of the husband/wife owners of Northglenn Health and Fitness. As a 51-year-old woman navigating…