Results For Category: "Beyond the Gym"

Stop Getting Fitness Advice From Your Hairdresser

It’s easy to fall into the trap of listening to well-meaning friends or family about fitness. Perhaps your hairdresser suggests that lifting weights will make you look “bulky” or a coworker shares the latest fad diet. These are both things I have heard from multiple people, multiple times. I get it – you are nervous and scared about starting something new.

You want to take just a few steps to reach the top of the mountain – but that’s not how life works. You can’t skip steps and change tactics every time someone has you moving in a different direction because you’ve listened to their latest gossip about health and fitness.

While their advice is often well-intentioned, that doesn’t mean it’s based on the scientific understanding of health and fitness. Just as you wouldn’t expect a lawyer to know how to fix your home’s wiring, fitness advice should come from those trained to understand the complexities of the human body.

Making time for what matters from your friendly neighborhood personal trainers!

Treating your fitness and nutrition routine like any other important commitment in your life is crucial. You wouldn’t leave a significant event like your child’s school play to chance; similarly, scheduling your workouts, meal planning / prepping, and grocery shopping ensures they become non-negotiable parts of your life. It’s about making health a clear priority.

Practice matters more than the game

Practice matters more than the game. Why? Read this for a real life example that will have you running for your next healthy habit over big change.

thought I was fat as a size 0 teenager

Remember when you thought you were fat?

Remember when you thought you were fat? I did. I was strong headed, confident, had tics and twitches, a size 0 and thought I was fat. Hear how I handled life’s obstacles, without asking for help.

boxing gloves ready to fight menopause

Menopause: Will You Fight or Freeze? Because there’s No Flight from This Change

Facing menopause doesn’t have to be a battle lost. Explore how accepting change and adopting the right mindset can transform this natural transition into a journey of strength and well-being. Dive into practical insights and personal stories in our latest post, where we tackle menopause head-on, unmasking its challenges and unveiling the path to thriving through it. It’s time to choose your stance – will you fight or freeze?

coach jennifer writing this blog

From Frozen, Stuck, Overwhelmed to Moving: A Mindset Change

At Northglenn Health and Fitness, we know that mindset changes are some of the most crucial things we can help our clients with . We…

Katherine getting stronger by working with a coach

9 Ways to measure progress at the gym and why the scale is the least accurate

Did you know your weight can fluctuate by 3 to 5 lbs in just one day? According to the scale anyway. This is why the…

Carol and Annette post workout

The True Value of Fitness: Beyond the Scale at Northglenn Health and Fitness

How is that scale treating you? Are you letting it determine your value, or the value of fitness? If you are like most women, you…

Maria showing consistency at the gym

Keeping the Spark Alive: Staying Motivated when Consistency isn’t Exciting

You did it! You finally started exercising again. After a long hiatus. You secretly hope this one lasts because, well.. it’s been a challenge to…

Katherine celebrating her success in her workout for podium week

What if you and your parents waited until today before you ever celebrate your first step?

because you know, one step isn’t very much since eventually you want to run a mile, so why celebrate just one measly step….. It’s Podium…