What happens when I skip a workout?

Today we will focus on what happens when you skip a workout.

We start off with a good plan. Going to get in to the gym 3 times this week.

It’s Monday morning, the alarm goes off, you think you hit snooze but you turned it off and fell back asleep.

Have a Plan for When You Skip The Gym

  1. Have a plan for when you skip. Life is going to continue to happen whether you have a good routine or not. The best of the best need to skip a workout at times. The difference for them is that they have a plan for WHEN (not if) that happens. They take some readily planned action. If you had to skip a workout next week, what would you do instead? Get that plan in place before you need it.
  2. Do other intentional movement or hit the gym at another time. So you can’t get to the gym at the time you planned, but you can find some stairs. You can find a park. You can find a floor do stretch and do some mobility work. Go on a brisk walk at lunch. Call your coach and switch your session to a virtual session. You stay home and your coach trains you online. You can even grab our FREE 15 At Home Workout guide and pick a home workout that suits your fitness level.
  3. Make this your rest day for the week. Hit a workout on a different day instead. Focus on food, water, or some other habit that adds to your HSA (Health Savings Account).

Why is it important to be consistent in the gym?

The benefits of exercise are cumulative, so the more you work out, the more benefits you may experience.

Skipping more workouts because you weren’t able to make one or two that were planned, also has cumulative effects. Coming in even just once per week and doing intentional strength training, or movement of some kind, is much better than taking time off.

Benefits of a consistent workout routine:

  1. Improved cardiovascular health: Regular physical activity can help improve your cardiovascular health by strengthening your heart and increasing blood flow. Even that one workout WILL get your heart pumping and remind your body and mind that this is a habit we want to keep. 
  2. Increased strength and endurance: Working out can help increase your muscle strength and endurance, which can make it easier to perform everyday activities and reduce the risk of injury.  Each workout you get in, reinforces that “muscle memory” and can improve your strength. 
  3. Stress relief: You will feel “lighter” when you have completed your workout since exercise has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health, including reducing stress and anxiety.
  4. Weight management: No one wants to leave a workout and hit the drive thru.  Even just that one workout can help you stay on track with making better food choices. 

There is no Pause Button

When you “take time off” from the gym or skip a workout, you are not hitting the “pause” button. That doesn’t exist. You are still breathing, and waking up, and eating and not intentionally moving. The twinkies add up just like the workouts add up. These aren’t pauses to your health and fitness journey, they are subtractions from your HSA.

Want to stop thinking as if you have a “pause button“? Talk to one of our coaches about what a consistent routine might look like for you.

Coach Jennifer

ps. Join our 2023 Nutrition Kickstart that begins January 8, 2023. Get in now before the spots are gone! (Join before 12/28/2023 and you’ll get a Customized Nutrition Guide absolutely FREE! ($75 value) click here to register

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