2024 Winner For The Best Gym and The Best Personal Trainer in Northglenn!!

Happy 4th of July! Do you have a Vacation Coming Up?

Vacation Time!

When summer rolls around, we know people like to head on vacation. But we don’t want you to stop making progress on your goals. Keep us in the loop on what you’ll be doing.

We’d love to sit down with you and a plan for your vacation. We don’t expect you to load up 500 lb. of dumbbells and a squat rack when you head to the lake, but we can help you stay fit while you’re away from home.

Before you travel, book an athlete check in with us so we can help you stay on track. You’ve made progress in the gym, and we want to hold onto that momentum. Your goals are important to us and we can keep you moving toward them even on vay-cay!

Just so you have something in your back pocket, here’s a travel workout you can do almost anywhere:

Child’s Play 

Locate a playground and perform 8 rounds of the following:

  • 40 seconds of shuttle sprint (about 25 feet or any short distance) 
  • 40 seconds of pull-ups or body rows (swings can sub as rings for “swing rows”) 
  • 40 seconds of push-ups

That’s a 16-minute total body workout that will get your heart rate up before you relax for the day. You can of course make adjustments so it’s harder or easier—we can help with that, too.

You’ve earned some time off this summer, but we’re going to keep you moving. 

Remember: You put us on your personal board of directors, and we’re looking out for you!

Coach Patrick

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