2024 Winner For The Best Gym and The Best Personal Trainer in Northglenn!!

Coach Brooklyn and Cathy during their 2nd personal training session

Fitness Transformation: 3 Days, 2 Hours, 1 Mindset Shift: Cathy’s Early NHF Experience!

Can you imagine changing your mindset around fitness in less time than it takes to finish a weekend binge-watch session!?

A fitness transformation is not just about what you look like, but around your mindset around fitness.

That’s what happened for Cathy. In just 3 days and 2 hours of training, 1 change was profound – “I find this hard to admit but I am enjoying this experience.” Cathy.

Meet Cathy, who just started on her fitness and nutrition journey with us on Monday, Oct 9, 2023.

While it’s just the beginning, like 2 sessions in beginning, her story is already resonating with so many who want.. no NEED… a gym environment where they can genuinely feel at home, encouraged, and supported.

Why did Cathy seek a fitness solution?
In Cathy’s words:

“I came to the gym because as I age I am finding it more difficult to do things that I want to. I see my friends having mobility issues and I am hoping to avoid some of those issues. I want to get stronger and stay that way so I can continue to enjoy life.”

This reason isn’t uncommon, in fact it’s very common. As life progresses, we all wish for strength and vitality to keep up with our passions, our loved ones, and our aspirations. Keeping up with kids and grandkids, gaining back that confidence that’s been missing for a while, and just waking up feeling good about not being in as much pain as we have been accustomed to. But, as we’ve seen so often, not every gym provides the atmosphere to nurture that dream.

What made NHF stand out for Cathy?
She emphasizes:

“This is not your typical gym. I love that there is a program designed for what I need. You work with a trainer and the walls are not covered in mirrors!!!”

Many gyms throw their members into the proverbial wolves, offering generic solutions that might not cater to individual needs. And that’s ok for those of us that know what to do at the gym. Know how many sets and reps to do. Confidently know they can use the equipment properly and get results, not just sweat. At NHF, the emphasis is on YOU. While past experiences in other gyms might have been about how you look, here it’s about how you feel and grow. And that starts at Day 1.

And Cathy’s initial experience?
She couldn’t help but share:

“My experience so far is great. My trainer is fantastic. She is kind, knowledgeable and there is no judgement…only encouragement. I find this hard to admit but I am enjoying this experience.”

Can you imagine walking into a gym and immediately feeling safe, valued, and seen? It’s what everyone deserves, but unfortunately, not what everyone gets.

Cathy’s personal trainer, Coach Brooklyn, mirrored these sentiments:

“Cathy came in day one this week ready to focus on her health and well-being. Not only did she show up with a smile on her face and banter in her heart, but also with a curiosity and excitement about how things would go! I can see a light shining in her and cannot wait to see how bright it will become when she sees how strong and remarkable she is! Welcome to Northglenn Health and Fitness Cathy! I couldn’t be happier that you are here.”

We are ecstatic to share Cathy’s journey because we want you, our future (fingers and toes crossed) NHF family member, to see that there’s a place where your health aspirations can be nurtured without fear of judgment or intimidation. A place where you can see yourself, in others around you.

See that picture of Cathy and Coach Brooklyn above? It was taken during their second session together. It’s a bond we build here at NHF that only gets stronger over time.

Want to fall in love with fitness? Set up a time to chat with me to discuss your fitness transformation. Cathy did. I can’t wait to see how she feels after 2 more days in our fun little place!

Remember your fitness journey is uniquely yours. Let us be the support you need to lean into and make real change! Set up a chat with me to get started – click HERE to peek at our schedule.

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