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5 Things Personal Trainers in Northglenn want you to Give Up in 2021

It’s not easy to reach your goals, especially when we are getting in the way of our own efforts. There are 5 things that our personal trainers in Northglenn, Colorado want you to give up in 2021, in order to help reach your goals! It’s not just about doing the right things. Reaching your goals is also about not doing the wrong things.

How many of these 5 things can you give up in 2021?

1. Expecting Unrealistic Results

You want it all and you want it all now. But, where has the quick fix gotten you?

Quick fixes might drop those numbers on the scale fast but they usually creep back up as soon as you are ready to go back to your normal life.

Sit down with your coach or your doctor and put a realistic plan together.

2. Perfection

Ok, you have started. It’s been one full day and you’ve done great! You have a few habits you are working on, got your water bottle at the ready and then … someone needs you to drop everything and help them. Then, you get home late and go straight to bed without prepping for the morning. You decide to just eat fast food at lunch because you missed breakfast anyway.

It’s all lost, right? Wrong.

Every action you take adds up, good and the bad.

You have made some good choices, keep celebrating those! Focus on continuing the good and reducing the bad. That’s all we can do!

Even Instagram models aren’t perfect. Really.

3. Boredom

If you have times where you find yourself during the day mindlessly scrolling social media or catching up on the lastest TikTok trends, you can take even just some of that time to develop healthy habits.

Stop scrolling and start strolling!

Go for a walk, read a few pages of a self help book, plan your next meal, go to the grocery store – or just order groceries online.

Don’t let boredom take over and leave precious time on the table that could be used to reach your goals.

4. Negative self-talk

If you have someone in your life that insults your progress, fills you with doubt, and undermines you, how does that make you feel?

You might have a person like that in your life and not even realize it. Heck, it might even be you! Think about how you talk to yourself.

Seek out positive people that support you. Be kind to yourself.

5. Making excuses

One thing you can count on in life is that it will always give you an excuse.

Don’t let it.

To make progress, you have to take control and be intentional.

Planning is intentional. Not planning is intentionally letting life control you.

Have you said to yourself that you’ll start next week because things are hectic right now? Or have you thought you would have totally started but work got in the way? I don’t know about you, but there will always be something in my way of starting something new.

There will NEVER be the perfect time.

You CAN take control of your life and stop letting life control you.

Look at your calendar, block off 3 times in the next 7 days in which you can take a walk, exercise, make a healthy meal, anything related to your goals.

Would you cancel a meeting with your kids’ school? Would you miss your mom’s birthday party? Don’t miss these appointments with yourself either. Treat it as if you actually matter. Because you do!

We would love to sit down with you and help you put an action plan together to achieve your goals! Click here to meet with us. Start now, don’t wait for this to repost in 2022!

Start here

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