2024 Winner For The Best Gym and The Best Personal Trainer in Northglenn!!

Jennifer & Patrick Dawson owners of Northglenn Health and Fitness

Is our gym right for you?

Northglenn Health and Fitness is not your typical gym. We don’t have machines, we don’t have cliques, we don’t have judgement. Even behind closed door staff meetings.

Help First

We operate Northglenn Health and Fitness to the highest industry standard that you can manage a gym. The bottom line in everything we do, everyone we meet, and everyone we coach all boils down to this: “Help First”.

I have always had a love for fitness and taking care of my body. When I was a kid I must have tried out every sport offered.  Baseball, basketball, swim team, lacrosse, football, wrestling and, of course, soccer, just to name a few.  Committing to 2-3 practices per week plus a game on Saturdays really laid the foundation to finding a regular routine to exert my physical energy.  Once in high school, I played all the sports and had 5 grueling 2-3 hours long practices a week.  I was hooked and I wanted to see how to maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle.

I founded Northglenn Health and Fitness to share that same gift with others.

Coach Patrick at a Weightlifting Clinic offered at Northglenn Health and Fitness

Help You Get to Your Best

We help everyone to do their best in the gym, not what someone else’s best is.

Do you know that not all of our members can perform a full squat? We will do everything we can to help them get there, because every step closer means performing better in their every day lives. Easier time walking, chasing kids or grand-kids, less pain, etc. But until then we modify everything for them and meet them where they are. Happily.

Our vision is to help you do things you never thought possible. Based on your body, not mine.

Our nutrition clients are celebrated for taking the steps they ARE ready for. They are not forced to make drastic changes. They are definitely not judged for what they are eating and you shouldn’t be either.

Celebrate Your Wins

We celebrate your wins. Don’t think you have any success at fitness or nutrition right now? Challenge accepted. Call me – I’ll find a win for you.

We believe in progress, not perfection.

We will believe in you maybe even before you will believe in yourself.

And we believe in making sure you show up.

I own the gym, so I can keep all of those negative nellies out of your way. The cliques and judgement doesn’t fly here.

Northglenn Health and Fitness will never be the biggest gym in town and that’s a good thing. You’ll have more time with us, one on one. We just want to be the best at giving you a place to focus on you. Come meet your happy place!

Some people at Northglenn Health and Fitness do training in group classes. Some do it 1:1 with their coach. We just want you to give you a chance.  We’ve heard so many stories of other places that have scared people away from trying, or continuing, a new gym. Their loss is OUR gain. We’re on ready to meet you where you are.

Start with a free, no-sales-pressure visit by booking here.

Inspired by, and with permission from,  Chris Cooper at Catalystgym.com

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