The Northglenn Health and Fitness blog

fun at the zoo

How Do You Get It All Done without Missing The Point

Hey everyone! 🌟 Ready for some real talk? How do we get it all done, never ending to do lists, meetings, appointments, gym, meal prep…

Step Up Your Fitness Journey with Step Ups

Your fitness journey can be both exciting and overwhelming. Among the many many exercises available, Step Ups truly stand out as a transformative, fundamental, and…

Oh, You Forgot to Eat Again? 5 Quick Meal Reminder Tips for Busy Bees

Hey there busy bees! Has your stomach ever turned into a mini alarm clock around 4 pm, nudging you with a grumble that says, “Hey,…

woman being intentional about success with nutrition and fitness

The One Defining Factor to Success with Nutrition and Fitness that you Can’t Skip

In my years of coaching a diverse group of women, from various walks of life and different stages of their fitness journey, I’ve come to…

group of women celebrating gym anniversary at NHF

3 Ways Overthinking Fitness and Nutrition is Holding You Back

Overthinking Fitness and Nutrition will make our already busy lives feel even busier! Taking the first step towards a healthier lifestyle often gets tangled in…

More Isn’t Always Better: The Art of Balanced Training

Balanced training doesn’t fit into the prevalent myth that has been circulating for far too long: more is always better. More sweat, more pain, more…

Deadlift: How to pick up your groceries, your kids, or a laundry basket.

In the kingdom of foundational exercises, the Deadlift wears the crown. This primal movement, akin to the natural action of picking something heavy off the…

Whole Foods Simple Guide

Simple Guide to Whole Foods: Why They Triumph Over Processed Foods

In today’s bustling world, leaning on the convenience of processed foods is all too easy. However, transitioning to a diet rich in whole foods can…

woman stressed out by menopause

Where did that new fat roll come from? Menopause is coming for us!

Menopause is coming. You probably know me, I’m Coach Jennifer, the wife of the husband/wife owners of Northglenn Health and Fitness. As a 51-year-old woman navigating…

meal plan, good nutrition, weights

How Nutrition Drives Success in Functional Strength Training Weight Loss

Welcome to Northglenn Health and Fitness, where nutrition drives success. Our gym is filled with determination, and every drop of sweat is a testament to…

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